D.L. Moody Timeline 1895 Meetings in New York, Boston, Dallas, Mexico City1894 Meetings across Eastern Seaboard and in Canada1893 Great campaign at Chicago World’s Fair1892 Accident at SeaTravel through Europe and Holy Land; meetings in England and Ireland, including eight days at Spurgeon’s Tabernacle; accident at sea 1891 Seventh visit to England1890 Chicago Bible Institute building dedicated1889 Meetings in Scotland and Ireland; Bible Institute formally opened in Chicago1888 Evangelistic meetings on West Coast and in Canada and England1887 Four-month campaign in Chicago; second conference at Northfield1886 Chicago Evangelization Society FormedStudent Volunteer movement begins; Chicago Evangelization Society formed; conference of college students at Mt. Herman; campaigns in New Orleans, Washington, New York Page 4 of 5 1 … 3 4 5