Decoding Christian Witness in a Digital Age

The Go Dark, Shine Bright campaign isn’t anti-social media. It is a call to discipleship. As Christians we don’t live with a split personality. We can’t be one person in our face-to-face interactions and another online. Offering a consistent, coordinated witness is crucial to reflecting God’s glory in a fallen world.

While we should certainly take care not to underestimate our personal testimony on social media, we would do well to respond to the ongoing challenges and “crises” that arise whether related to social media or not. As Christians, we inhabit an unshakeable kingdom (Heb 12:28). While the issues we face in a broken world and a digital age may be “massively” important, they aren’t ultimately important. We need to learn to live with that in mind.

You can read more on this topic in the opinion piece titled “Decoding Christian Witness in a Digital Age” at Christian Post.


JAMES SPENCER, PHD is President the D.L. Moody Center, an independent non-profit organization based in Northfield, MA, and author of Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D. L. Moody and Thinking Christian: Essays on Testimony, Accountability, and the Christian Mind