4 D.L. Moody stories on the power of prayer

Dwight L Moody stories on prayer

Part of the legacy of D.L. Moody is how he crafted books that would make religious material accessible to all classes. One of these precious little books is “Prevailing Prayer” where Moody explains some of the elements of true prayer. The stories of Moody told in a simple fashion bring a refreshing perspective. Let these words inspire your own prayer life, and remember you can download your copy of his sermon, which is part of Prevailing Prayer, “Prayers of the Bible” on our site.

  1. “It is said that in a time of great despondency among the first settlers in New England, it was proposed in one of their public assemblies to proclaim a fast. An old farmer arose; spoke of their provoking heaven with their complaints, reviewed their measures, showed that they had much to be thankful for, and moved that instead of appointing a day for fasting, they should appoint a day of thanksgiving. This was done and the custom has been continued ever since. However great our difficulties, or even deep our sorrows, there is room for thankfulness.”
  2. “I have noticed in our work that if we have gone to a town where three churches were united in it, we have had greater blessing than if only one church was in sympathy. And if there have been twelve churches united, the blessing multiplied fourfold; it has always been in proportion to the spirit of unity that has been manifested. Where there are bickerings and divisions, and where the spirit of unity is absent, there is very little blessing and praise.”
  3. “Sometimes when your child talks, your friends cannot understand what he says; but the mother understands very well. So if our prayer comes right from the heart, God understands our language. It is a delusion of the devil to think we cannot pray; we can, if we really wany anything. It is not the most beautiful or the most eloquent language that brings down the answer; it is the cry that goes up from a burdened heart.”
  4. “We cannot be too frequent in our requests; God will not weary of His children’s prayers. Sir Walter Raleigh asked a favor of Queen Elizabeth, to which she replied, “Raleigh, when will you leave off begging?” “When You Majesty leaves off giving,” he replied. So long must we continue praying.”