Online Course: Sermon Prep Made Simpler

Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church in Chicago and board member at the Moody Center recently released Sermon Prep Made Simpler on Multnomah Plus. Moody Center is blessed to have Dr. Lutzer as a board member and pleased to see him working to assist pastors.

His video lectures will provide you with a method for making your sermon preparation simpler, as well as offering a number of insights from his years of experience developing and delivering messages. As he says, sermon preparation is never easy, but it can become simpler if you are able to outline a passage and preach it with unity, order and progress. We have to help our congregations by giving them an idea of where we are going in our sermon and how we are going to get there! In addition to the videos, the course contains a variety of other materials that will help you to apply the method he describes. They provide additional thoughts related to storytelling, use of humor, and some step-by-step examples that are intended to give you helpful tools for sermon preparation. We hope that you will enjoy the course, employ the method, and make your sermon preparation simpler.